PORTABLE Beach House No. 9 by Christie Ridgway (Goodreads Author) epub pc original online free

PORTABLE Beach House No. 9 by Christie Ridgway (Goodreads Author) epub pc original online free

PORTABLE Beach House No. 9 by Christie Ridgway (Goodreads Author) epub pc original online free

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Book description
When book doctor Jane Pearson arrives at Griffin Lowells beach house, she expects a brooding loner. After all, his agent hired her to help the reclusive war journalist write his stalled memoir. Instead, Jane finds a tanned, ocean-blue-eyed man in a Hawaiian shirt, hosting a beach party and surrounded by beauties. Faster than he can untie a bikini top, Griffin lets Jane know he doesnt want her. But she desperately needs this job and digs her toes in the sand. Griffin intends to spend the coming weeks at Beach House No. 9 taking refuge from his painful memories-and from the primly sexy book doctor who wants to bare his soul. But warm nights, moonlit walks and sultry kisses just may unlock both their guarded hearts.... 
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