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A buddy read with Choko.After the events of the last book Cordelia ended up on Barrayar. She thought she would be able to get used to new life fairly soon, but Barrayar is always full of excitement and surprises - like assassinations, civil war, regicide, forbidden duels ,external conquerors and such. You are guaranteed to never have a boring moment, but such lifestyle surely takes quite a while to get used to. Cordelia however was determined to fit in as best as she could which means she had to organize some of the fun from the above list herself - on the top of everything else. The only weakness I found was that the whole story is told from Cordelias POV. She is a great and interesting character, but the position she was in almost always forced her to take a passive role. Aral Vorkosigan had more complete picture and as such his POV would make an excellent story. As it is now we only see consequences of his behind-the-scenes actions while he desperately tried to hold the Empire together. If I overlook this biggie I have no complaints - other than somewhat slow start. As I mentioned Cordelia is a great character, and so are a few secondary ones. Aral does not get enough screen time to qualify for a main character, but he is great in the rare scenes he appears. Even with Cordelias limited information the story is not boring (but I would not qualify it as a space opera as everybody remains firmly on the surface of a planet here). Passive role or not, she still had to act at critical moments and make some key decisions by herself. I consider this book to be a good bridge between the previous book and the next one. Speaking about the next book, it is much better and can be fully qualify as a space opera as it has literally everything the genre requires. My rating is 3.5 stars rounded down because of my frustration with limited view on goings-on most of the time: this is a good connection story between its prequel and sequel, but as a standalone it is nothing to write home about.
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