PORTABLE Barra Brava by David Freeman download text story epub sale

PORTABLE Barra Brava by David Freeman download text story epub sale

PORTABLE Barra Brava by David Freeman download text story epub sale

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Book description
A backpacker’s guide to Latin America and its football clubs. This book is a raw, booze-soaked account of 18 months living, working and travelling through Central and South America. Based around 67 football matches, it is a story of a British lad’s encounters with the barra brava, Latin America’s fanatical supporters. It also documents the modern Gringo Trail, from Mexico through Colombia to Argentina, covering 18 countries along the way. This humorous backpacker’s tale touches on the history, politics and social issues encountered in the places visited. From managing a hotel on a nudist beach on Christmas Day, to attempting to get Nicaragua’s socialists to admit they murdered their greatest sportsman, this is not your average holiday diary. For more information and photos please visit: www.barrabravabook.com
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