PORTABLE Attic Treasures by Wanda E. Brunstetter txt full version tom free direct link

PORTABLE Attic Treasures by Wanda E. Brunstetter txt full version tom free direct link

PORTABLE Attic Treasures by Wanda E. Brunstetter txt full version tom free direct link

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Book description
Another book with great potential suffocating under the weight of its need to remind you it is a Christian-themed novel at every turn. Here is the most glaring example paragraph I could find: His attraction to Sheila went much deeper than her physical beauty. She was a Christian, which was the most important thing. Dwaine knew dating a nonbeliever was not in Gods plan. When he heard Sheila humming Jesus Loves Me, he shook his head. As did I, for different reasons. Dont you think youre laying it on just a tad thick? Or would adding another Bible verse and citing the source make it feel more complete? Maybe mention how you accepted Jesus as your savior one more time.I loved the basic idea, though, which the only reason this isnt getting a 2. Grandma seems a bit severe in her insistence that her grandchildren can each choose ONE special treasure from the attic (especially since she apparently already sold a fair few things), but a book of stories about searching through heirlooms in a home thats been maintained by one owner for 50 years sounds right up my estate sale-loving hearts alley. Especially when its the same familys history.Of course, the stories are actually romances, and relatively boring ones at that. I am the last person on earth who complains about happy love stories where nothing bad happens, but these were so much of the I met you two weeks ago and now WE MUST MARRY ASAP variety that I could not get attached.To that end, my favorite story was the third one, the married couple who decide to move from Chicago out to the country (its actually the wifes idea, merely inspired by her husbands dreamy nostalgia when they pay the place a visit, which is the complete opposite of the back cover that dramatically wonders if she will ~survive the new way of life forced upon her~). Mostly because it involved finding a pregnant cat and litter of kittens on their new property and taking fond care of them, plus fun detail about restoring an abandoned property.I also quite enjoyed the resounding mystery in the 4th, with the woman determined to find her birth father with a whole town of blood relatives clamming up on his whereabouts/mortality. Come to think of it, there was a little mystery in the first one, too, as an antique shop owner helps track down a lost antique doll. The only one that fell short of expectations was the second one, because neither fishing lures nor guys who own bait shops hold any interest for me. I was definitely on Caseys side for that one. Anyway, all the stories tied together at the end in one big happy, shiny bow of an ending that made all the previous painful descriptions of the grandmothers empty house worth it.
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