PORTABLE Angelas Ashes by Jane Rollason (Adaptor) download txt

PORTABLE Angelas Ashes by Jane Rollason (Adaptor) download txt

PORTABLE Angelas Ashes by Jane Rollason (Adaptor) download txt

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Book description
This book, Angelas Ashes was a beautifully, comically written memoir by Frank McCort that was as humbling as it was entertaining. As we wrapped up another year of surplus and excess and desires to have more, this story reminded me of just how grateful I am for all that I have, and all that I dont.Frank is the oldest of four surviving children, born to poverty in a war torn world. He tells his story from innocence that only a child can see and it is comical, heartbreaking and infuriating. The fact that he made it past his toddler years is almost too much to believe. No child should have to endure what he was forced to endure and with all that Catholic guilt heaped on top of the travesties, he somehow maintained his sanity and the stamina to write about it. Angela is Franks mother and as a mother I felt every ounce of pain and not near the pain she must have felt in losing and raising children in unfathomable conditions. I dont know what became of Angela, but I know that her life was harder than that of any mother I know. How her heart must have broken with every passing day. How desperate and hopeless she must have felt, essentially on her own for all of her childrent lives. Although Frank writes of his mothers tears and a desperation he could see, hell never have the same perception as another mother, for mothers save the bulk of their tears for the darkness and times when no one will be able to think them weak. For it is those tears and thoughts in the darkness that create a tiger for her children come daylight. That heightened sense of protection of offspring is often born of formidable circumstances.Frank and his brothers are normal little boys growing up in a very abnormal world and yet he is able to reflect on times that he was cognizant of all things beautiful in a very ugly world. It must be very difficult to see anything beautiful when your shoes are falling apart and youre consistently hungry. He manages to rise above his station in life and escape to America, the land of hope and opportunity. He comes with great expectations to a foreign land with the hope of being the man for his family that his father could never to be. I sincerely hope he was greeted with open arms and kinder hearts than the previous life from which he came and that doors opened for him rather than slammed in his face.Angelas Ashes was a great read and I would highly recommend it for anyone that isnt afraid to read a story that supports some very ugly, sad truths about how other people live. We all need to be humbled from time to time, lest we forget how to be grateful and kind.
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