PORTABLE Algebra II For Dummies by Mary Jane Sterling book look buy macbook finder

PORTABLE Algebra II For Dummies by Mary Jane Sterling book look buy macbook finder

PORTABLE Algebra II For Dummies by Mary Jane Sterling book look buy macbook finder

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Besides being an important area of math for everyday use, algebra is a passport to studying subjects like calculus, trigonometry, number theory, and geometry, just to name a few. To understand algebra is to possess the power to grow your skills and knowledge so you can ace your courses and possibly pursue further study in math. Algebra II For Dummies is the fun and easy way to get a handle on this subject and solve even the trickiest algebra problems. This friendly guide shows you how to get up to speed on exponential functions, laws of logarithms, conic sections, matrices, and other advanced algebra concepts. In no time youll have the tools you need to:Interpret quadratic functions Find the roots of a polynomial Reason with rational functions Expose exponential and logarithmic functions Cut up conic sections Solve linear and non linear systems of equations Equate inequalities Simplifyy complex numbers Make moves with matrices Sort out sequences and sets This straightforward guide offers plenty of multiplication tricks that only math teachers know. It also profiles special types of numbers, making it easy for you to categorize them and solve any problems without breaking a sweat. When it comes to understanding and working out algebraic equations, Algebra II For Dummies is all you need to succeed!
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