PORTABLE Absent-Minded Astrophysicist by T.N. Tarrant itunes value txt mobile download

PORTABLE Absent-Minded Astrophysicist by T.N. Tarrant itunes value txt mobile download

PORTABLE Absent-Minded Astrophysicist by T.N. Tarrant itunes value txt mobile download

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Book description
Dr. Liam McGregor is a well respected astrophysicist, astrobiologist and geologist, and hes only twenty-three. With no family, few friends, and no romantic prospects, hes gotten used to being alone. Focusing on his various scientific projects, and taking care of his decidedly unusual cat help keep the loneliness at bay.Jareth Manning is starting life over, a new town, new job, after the loss of his husband. The last thing he expected was for the most absentminded, and beautiful, man hed ever seen to to take up residence in his heart. Nor did he expect to find himself a willingly humble slave to Her Imperial Highness, Empress the Cat. But Jareth has learned that love doesnt come around often, so when it does, hold onto it with both hands.Jareth is willing to be patient, if Liam is willing to take the risk, after being badly burned before.They just have to survive Liams past returning.
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