PORTABLE A Slaughtered Lamb: Revelation and the Apocalyptic Response to Evil and Suffering by Gregory Stevenson (Goodreads Author) thepiratebay bookshop original free value

PORTABLE A Slaughtered Lamb: Revelation and the Apocalyptic Response to Evil and Suffering by Gregory Stevenson (Goodreads Author) thepiratebay bookshop original free value

PORTABLE A Slaughtered Lamb: Revelation and the Apocalyptic Response to Evil and Suffering by Gregory Stevenson (Goodreads Author)

> READ BOOK > Frys English Delight: Series 1

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Book description
Stephen Fry hosts four programmes on the joys of the English language - as heard on BBC Radio 4.Current PunsWhy does our language groan with the weight of puns? What exactly is a pun? And who, or what, is the Thief of Bad Gags?MetaphorThe English language is chock-full of maritime metaphors: cock up, taken aback, chip on your shoulder, and show a leg. And, with the help of a Greek removals firm, we also find the origin of the word metaphor.QuotationThe uses and misuses of quotations are revealed, and there is also a frank confession from a quotation compiler, which we cannot divulge here.ClichéFeaturing sick parrots and the cliché crisis that affected the writing of Flaubert, Joyce, and Eliot, and helped shape modern language and culture.©2008 Testbed Audio Ltd; (P)2009 BBC Audiobooks LtdLENGTH: 1 hr and 43 mins
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