PORTABLE A Regimental Murder by Ashley Gardner (Goodreads Author) find bookstore eReader free price

PORTABLE A Regimental Murder by Ashley Gardner (Goodreads Author) find bookstore eReader free price

PORTABLE A Regimental Murder by Ashley Gardner (Goodreads Author) find bookstore eReader free price

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Book description
Captain Lacey returns in the second book of this series. After saving a beautiful woman from a mysterious assailant near the docks, Captain Lacey helps in her search for her husbands murderers. Her late husband was accused of committing a crime during the atrocities after a Peninsular War battle, and Lydia Westin wants Lacey to clear his name. Lacey investigates with his usual thoroughness, bringing in Lucius Grenville, the immensely wealthy Regency dandy, to help him. But murder and mayhem follow, and James Denis once more tries to recruit Lacey to help him with his underworld activities. This book introduces the characters of Lady Breckenridge and Grenvilles irrepressible footmen, Matthias and Bartholomew.
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