PORTABLE A Rare Find by Tracy Kelleher audio find store price download

PORTABLE A Rare Find by Tracy Kelleher audio find store price download

PORTABLE A Rare Find by Tracy Kelleher audio find store price download

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Book description
How does a rule-abiding, accomplished woman fall for a rebel college dropout? Its something rare-books curator Penelope Bigelow is still trying to figure out! Regardless of what logic she tries to use, the proof remains that when celebrity chef Nicholas Rheinhardt is around, her composure takes a vacation. With all the reunion festivities, its hard to avoid him…especially since he needs her expertise in antiquities for an upcoming episode of his cable travel show.Too bad the past isnt what Penelopes focusing on when shes with Nick. Theres more to him than his infamous reputation—and that intrigues her. Penelope isnt looking for perfection…even though Nicks coming very close!
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