PORTABLE A MacKenzie Christmas by Liliana Hart (Goodreads Author) no registration download finder prewiew full

PORTABLE A MacKenzie Christmas by Liliana Hart (Goodreads Author) no registration download finder prewiew full

PORTABLE A MacKenzie Christmas by Liliana Hart (Goodreads Author) no registration download finder prewiew full

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Book description
This was such a cute book. Very short, but I loved the author. She has a special way with words and is very good at writing. The flow was so smooth and absolutely delightful. I didnt get to know the hero or heroine very well; it was a very short book, but what I did come to know about them made me like them very much. Especially Annabeth. I love heroines who are shy and modest, yet strong and independent. And Annabeth had that innate strength that I so admire in heroines. I also loved that she has been in love with Grant for years. Im a total sucker for books where the heroines love the heroes from the beginning. Grant was a nice enough fellow but Id have liked to see more of how his feelings turned from avoidance and lust to love.As for the whole MacKenzie clan, they are a delightful rowdy bunch. I enjoyed the small glimpses I got of them - once again, a compliment to the author, she writes very well.And as for the sex - I must say, it was sweet and sizzling.
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