PORTABLE A Little Fate by Nora Roberts (Goodreads Author) no registration prewiew reading read format

PORTABLE A Little Fate by Nora Roberts (Goodreads Author) no registration prewiew reading read format

PORTABLE A Little Fate by Nora Roberts (Goodreads Author) no registration prewiew reading read format

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Book description
In The Witching Hour (Once Upon A Midnight - 2003), a kingdom is plagued by tragedy until a wizard-gods spell brings forth a courageous and beautiful young woman who must follow her heart in love--and follow her destiny in battle. On a remote island cursed with eternal winter, a young queen heals a wounded soldier--and warms her heart with the joys of true love in Winter Rose (Once Upon A Rose - 2001). In A World Apart (Once Upon A Kiss - 2002), a ravishing medieval Demon Slayer arrives in 20th-century New York to brave a strange new world--and a man who is her destiny.
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