PORTABLE A Descant for Gossips by Thea Astley online get iphone doc finder

PORTABLE A Descant for Gossips by Thea Astley online get iphone doc finder

PORTABLE A Descant for Gossips by Thea Astley online get iphone doc finder

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Book description
This stylish reissue of one of Thea Astley’s finest early novels is a classic story of small-town life. Two schoolteachers are drawn to each other by their concern for a lonely young girl. As long as Vinny Lalor could remember she had been on the fringe of things—in her family and at school. But as the final term of the year progresses, rumor and malice mount against Vinny and her two teachers, sweeping them toward scandal and, for one of them, disaster. A Descant for Gossips was Thea Astley’s second novel, released in 1960 in England and Australia. In 1983 it was adapted for television by the ABC.
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