PORTABLE A Byte of Python by Swaroop C.H. read txt on ipad

PORTABLE A Byte of Python by Swaroop C.H. read txt on ipad

PORTABLE A Byte of Python by Swaroop C.H. read txt on ipad

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Book description
A good overview of Python for a more-or-less beginner.Unfortunately I was told that the web version (http://www.swaroopch.com/notes/python/) would be Python 3 but it became apparent it was Python 2. Apparently the author had translated for P3 but decided it was too confusing and translated it back to P2. However, there are still some P3 elements (some print() statements) left in which may be confusing to the reader. I learnt good things from this book. I would have liked more real life examples of code: the backup files example script really opened by eyes to how Python could be used in actual day to day life, but there were no more great examples like that in the rest of the book. I also would have loved to have more examples of the modules within the Standard Library.I did really enjoy going through the book and wish Swaroop would write some more beginner/intermediate python books. Perhaps a testing chapter in the future?
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