PORTABLE 99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners with the Siop Model by MaryEllen Vogt reader read page writer djvu

PORTABLE 99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners with the Siop Model by MaryEllen Vogt reader read page writer djvu

PORTABLE 99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners with the Siop Model by MaryEllen Vogt reader read page writer djvu

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Book description
The Perfect Companion to Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP(R) Model!!! This long-awaited new book by acclaimed authors MaryEllen Vogt and Jana Echevarria offers research-based, SIOP(R)-tested techniques for lessons that include the eight SIOP(R) components. The 99 ideas and activities in this book include a few familiar techniques that have been shown to be especially effective for ELLs, as well as many new ideas for SIOP(R) teachers. All promote student-to-student and teacher-to-student interaction and involvement proven to be so necessary for English language acquisition and content development. This book is surely to become an indispensable resource for teachers of English learners. Overwhelming response from reviewers! -[T]he strategies in [the book] are useful for any classroom teacher. It supports everything teachers learn in SIOP in a concrete, easy-to-follow format. While obviously it would be best to use in conjunction with the SIOP model, some of the strategies could also be used in isolation to improve teaching practice as well. Teachers are always looking for ways to -beef up- their classroom instruction--this book gives them what they want!- --Karen Fichter, Zebulon GT Magnet Middle School, NC -This book would help to answer so many of the questions that teachers have about how to enhance their teaching. This textbook would be a welcome addition to our program and would be one of those books that teachers would keep and use for a long time after they complete their graduate course work.- --Julia S. Austin, University of Alabama at Birmingham What makes 99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners with the SIOP(R) Model a must-have?Offers step-by-step directions and examples of content and language objectives for all ideas and activities.Provides use-tomorrow ideas and activities for implementing the eight components of the SIOP(R) Model.Includes 12 sample lesson plans that illustrate how a particular activity can be effective for ALL students, and all of these sample lessons are adapted for both elementary and secondary students.Features classroom-ready content and language objectives for all relevant activities.
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