PERSONA: Makes It Easy To Create An Identity Online

PERSONA: Makes It Easy To Create An Identity Online

Kontolq_Abo |;u=1572785

ELLO INVESTOR,  here I will share the best possible solution to identity with safe and convenient blockhain for our users / investors. Let's read from start to finish about a person.


This article illustrates the challenges faced by various organizations in the KYC process and solutions proposed by Persona. Persona is a blockchain-based identity management solution that allows individuals to easily update data shared with third parties and make corporate clients' efforts to keep data up-to-date. Persone ARCH's blockchain technology and advanced technology to offer a complete and secure identity solution. This product complies with the GDPR requirements and provides the means to secure the data stored, distributed, and processed.

Persona is designed as decentralized app without a single point of failure, storing encrypted notes, all individuals have control of the detail details they want to share, with whom they share it and for how long. With the release of Bitcoin at the end of 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto offers a glimpse of the technology underlying the network of decentralization, blockchain.

Persona is a service to manage all the identities of the latest data protection that can also help individuals control their personal data. By using the person, the individual only takes a short time to update the data and so the service provider can also access the customer data with the latest version.

The Personnel Platform is a solution to personal data management issues that will be followed by the latest data protection regulations. Provides access to personal data management, allowing you to manage data privacy. With this Platform, other service providers can save you time to update their personal data, can access the latest data quickly, save time on customer data management, you can also set up Platforms that can access data on the Platform Persona. You will also not be bothered by the information about the services you use, because it is like logging on all the websites you use.

Users may use the Personnel Platform to share data with their friends, but Users must prove their personal data to the notary or partner chosen by the Personnel Platform when the user is ready to use the data. You can access your personal data through a website or smartphone using a PIN, verification of your fingerprint or Authenticated 2FA. You do not have to worry about personal data used by unauthorized parties, because you can control who can access your data if you do not receive data used by other services, you can revoke access, can not update your data in the Platform

Your data will be managed and managed securely, with the DPC (Delegated-Proof-of-Stake) system and cryptographic technology. The data you store on the Platform is also not stored in centralized applications / servers, the Platform offers the first Customer-as-a-Service solution on the market. Each of your Data will also be encrypted on our Platform, no need to worry about them downloading, because it will take a long time decrypt the data, and only you can run encryption. When documents are shared with members of a notary, the files will be decrypted by the owner and shared with the partner. All Platforms mechanisms will open with decentralized systems and have no connection with the third party, making the cost more effective and secure.

We enjoy using Blockchain technology because this technology is safer than the current ordinary technology. Unlike conventional technology, Blockchain technology does not require a third party, so it's safer and more effective. And Blockchain Technology is less likely to be a system error or error, after all, data is recorded and then data is stored forever and can not be changed. Platform We will make storage and manage data better and safer.


The main purpose of Persona  is: 

To utilize identity management services for individuals based on the blockchain technology they can offer.

To maintain personal personal information. While it is clear that individuals have to give information to different entities, they can not control the time. Persons produce them to the driver's seat.

Improving everyone and strengthening what they share their identity and personality details.

Provides the strength to what and to your identity and personal details.

Allows third parties to synchronize personal information that maximizes the service by providing credibility as a service.

To prevent false news, by providing a discriminatory identity management system, Persona will provide the level of trust we need when we rely on news by the general Persona profile of the content provider, we can track the news into sources.

To complete the onboarding process because people may have been checked by the entities listed on the system


The person is very safe to use because considering the reality there are two components coated. When registering, individual physical entities are prerequisites for sharing data with the company. And personal security is divided into three parts:  

1. Blockchain and IPFS. Using web applications and mobile apps  

2. Login with PIN base. Can use  fingerprint  

scanner  3. Authentication 2FA. Once the data is saved, it will be directly safe with the cryptographic algorithm of the blockchain.


Replace the middlemen: do  not have to do the job, and trust the two parties involved in the transaction.

Decentralization:  there is no point of failure, when attacking the network is almost impossible.

Weakness:  notes that are written in blockchain there forever, can not be changed.



The first level is represented by a community where the identity is checked by

peers. It is a joint venture, where people are encouraged to validate their respective identities. They must ensure the authenticity of documents and the identity of the person applying for a review. The person offering the verification service will be shown on the Persona website. They will be rewarded for verification services by accepting PRS. The threshold for verification is illustrated below:

Instructions are divided into several levels, based on the amount of verification they provide. The maximum percentage that can be owned by people with community verification is 90%. The remaining 10% can still be made after a private partner (institution, provider or company) identifies the validity of the data.

The person includes three segments:  

A chain that stores transaction and IPF data for storage  

Applications and web dashboards for individuals using  

mobile Apps that help manage data

Based on Persona's activities and stocks, individuals who verify the service to others may be up to 30%. This means that one can only see 3 people who can give a 30% approval level to achieve a 90% verification level.


Login PIN database

optional fingerprint scanner


Persons will use Blockchain technology (Distributed Ledger Technology) to manage user credentials, transaction approvals and identity documents. We will distribute our own blockchain, called "Personnel Blockchain" that has the following characteristics:

Block blocker DPOS with 51 branches of capchain (  

Blockchain will be common and will feature interoperability with other blockades through Smart Bridges. Smart Bridge allows blockchains for communication between the information that is connecting and partly. 

Persona will combine native, blockchain levels, solutions such as IPFS sharing and file documents among users. 

Case usage of GDPC Persona  

GDPR  depicts  European Rule, which means to strengthen, ratify and act as protection for data protection for all individuals at the European level. It was selected and adopted in April 2016 with a 2-year transition period, starting May 25, 2018.


ID or government-issued passport or document (  original 

copy  )  Copy or image of your ID  

A bank statement or proof of invoice where you live the  

Documents will be retained in IPFS and marked by both checkers and checks, each person marked. KYC professionals represent the process of an individual experience when it involves entities that require identity verification process. This entity, once.


Outstanding and Significant Risk - Implementation of the DPR rules with regulatory obligations to inform authorities when there is Data breach, will cause increased law enforcement activities. The first thing that was exposed was the market position and reputation of the company, which would be compromised. 

Geographic Risk - This new regulation covers all companies and  

organizations that offer goods and / or services to the European Union market or  

control the behavior of EU citizens for the provision of goods and / or services. Also includes all  

Sanctions - Sanctions  a significant company data analysis of up  to 4% of the annual global breadth or € 20 Billion, whichever better will apply to failed companies to comply with GDPR's new rules.


Ştéfán Neagu Pioneer  

Founder of Ioana Frîncu  

And Cearnău The pioneer  

of the Mitars Pioneer  

Founder Tudor Stomff  

Việtōr Miou Pioneer




With this opportunity, you invite us to expand this Platform, to achieve a wider community. We'll drop a Token called "PRS token", here's the data.

The number of top prizes will be 100,000,000 PRS. The price for one PRS token is $ 0.2 Total allocation for 100,000,000 PRS is:

70,000,000 PRS is allocated to TGE. 15,000,000 PRs are allocated to teams that are co-founders. coins allocated to the team will be held for a three-year period, broken down into annual payments as follows:  

10% in the genesis; 

30% after 12 months  

30% after 24 months  

30% after 36 months  

12,000,000 allocated for the preliminary Fund PRS  

1,000,000 PRS members are advised. Token is allowed for advisors to be employed within 6 months  

2.000.000 allocated for PRS prizes  

PRS 70,000,000 allocated to TGE, has been divided into General Sales and General Sales for three stages.


Detail of person's token allocation

- A total of 70,000,000 PRS will be allocated to TGE. 

- A total of 15,000,000 PRS will be allocated to team and founder. 

- 12.00.000 PRS will be allocated for startup. 

- 1,000,000 PRS will be allocated to advisors. 

- 2.000.000 PRS will be allocated for the bounty program.


Personal Sale: 15.12.2017-15.01.2018

General Sale: 23.01.2018-30.01.2018

General sale II: 01.02.2018-08.02.2017

General sale III: 09.02.2017-16.02.2018

Distribution Token: 30.03.2018

Close up

So that I can only say usefully for all the readers, Happy and successful.

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published by: Kontolq_Abo

Profile link:;u=1572785

MyEtherWallet address: 0xb7742Bb562b6acf9FAfAFFf3368D37972F671959

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