PDF Wicca Witch of the West: A Beginners Guide to Wicca, Spells, Herbs, Runes, and Rituals by Pamela Taylor online kindle ios shop offline

PDF Wicca Witch of the West: A Beginners Guide to Wicca, Spells, Herbs, Runes, and Rituals by Pamela Taylor online kindle ios shop offline

PDF Wicca Witch of the West: A Beginners Guide to Wicca, Spells, Herbs, Runes, and Rituals by Pamela Taylor online kindle ios shop

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Book description

Book description
Do You Want to Know about Wicca and Witchcraft? You may have many reasons for wanting to learn about Wicca. Maybe you have children who are interested in the subject and you want to know more about it and if it’s safe. Or maybe you are already familiar with spells and witchcraft and would like to add to your knowledge. This guide will help you to understand the history of Wicca along with common misconceptions. This eBook will discuss needed tools for rituals and spells, also practices and exercises. Inside you will find the basics of Wicca and Witchcrafts, and everything you need to know about casting a spell ... ENJOY!! Information You Will Discover Inside What is Wicca and History of Wicca Spells Rituals and Tools and Preparation Circles of Protection Spells and Magic And MANY more! Would You Like to Know More? This book contains the history and practices of Wicca and Witchcraft. Are you ready to learn new Wicca rituals, create a circle of protection, or learn how to cast a spell? STOP WAITING! Scroll up and purchase Wicca Witch of the West
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