PDF What Makes A Rainbow (Magic Ribbon Books) by Betty Schwartz epub pc original online free

PDF What Makes A Rainbow (Magic Ribbon Books) by Betty Schwartz epub pc original online free

PDF What Makes A Rainbow (Magic Ribbon Books) by Betty Schwartz epub pc original online free

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Book description
What Makes a Rainbow by Betty Ann Schwartz teaches children about colors and about the basic science of what causes a rainbow to appear and it does it in an engaging way.A young bunny and his mother are caught in a summer rainstorm. The mother comments that soon there will be a rainbow and her child wants to know why she knows this. She tells him to ask all the other animals what makes a rainbow?Each animal (appropriately colored) answers with a color starting from red and going through to purple. For each color, the page is illustrated in shades of that color so that the robins page is mostly red: a red bird, a red flower and so forth. Besides seeing the different animals and colors, the child gets to help build a rainbow. At the top of the page there is a ribbon and with each new color comes a new ribbon so by purple, the entire rainbow is stretching across the top of the book.Both my children love the book though its more Harriets favorite than Seans. She likes naming the colors and the animals and of course the magic ribbon at the top.
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