PDF Wake Wood by K.A. John buy amazon bookstore download epub

PDF Wake Wood by K.A. John buy amazon bookstore download epub

PDF Wake Wood by K.A. John buy amazon bookstore download epub

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Book description
The dead should never be wokenStill grieving after the death of their young daughter Alice in a frenzied dog attack, Patrick and Louise Daley leave the city to try and find some peace in the Irish countryside, and the village of Wake Wood seems like the perfect place to start again. But the residents are guarding a terrifying secret: they can resurrect the dead. However, the rules are strict, they will bring Alice back only if she has been dead for less than a year; and, after three days, she must be buried. Desperate to see their daughter again, even for just three days, the Daleys agree to everything. But they have been lying from the start; and by the time the villagers realize, its too late. Alice is alive and she does not want to go back . . .
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