PDF Understanding Chinese Characters Their Ancestral Forms (Chinese and English Edition) by Ping-gam Go fb2 kickass find free iBooks

PDF Understanding Chinese Characters Their Ancestral Forms (Chinese and English Edition) by Ping-gam Go fb2 kickass find free iBooks

PDF Understanding Chinese Characters Their Ancestral Forms (Chinese and English Edition) by Ping-gam Go fb2 kickass find free iBooks

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Book description
The reader will discover that it takes little effort and imagination to understand the most common and widely used characters. Ping-gam Go provides a full-color photo survey of San Francisco s Chinatown and a dictionary of 288 Chinese characters, each entry contains the Mandarin and Cantonese pronunciations, ancestral pictograph, traditional Chinese character and English definition. Dozens of practice exercises and flashcards are provided to assist in memorization of the meanings of the signs in Chinatown.
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