PDF Ultimate X-Men/Fantastic Four by Mike Carey (Goodreads Author) story pocket amazon download djvu

PDF Ultimate X-Men/Fantastic Four by Mike Carey (Goodreads Author) story pocket amazon download djvu

PDF Ultimate X-Men/Fantastic Four by Mike Carey (Goodreads Author) story pocket amazon download djvu

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Book description
Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name. See this thread for more information.Mike Carey was born in Liverpool in 1959. He worked as a teacher for fifteen years, before starting to write comics. When he started to receive regular commissions from DC Comics, he gave up the day job.Since then, he has worked for both DC and Marvel Comics, writing storylines for some of the worlds most iconic characters, including X-MEN, FANTASTIC FOUR, LUCIFER and HELLBLAZER. His original screenplay FROST FLOWERS is currently being filmed. Mike has also adapted Neil Gaimans acclaimed NEVERWHERE into comics.Somehow, Mike finds time amongst all of this to live with his wife and children in North London. You can read his blog at www.mikecarey.net.
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