PDF To Kill A President: Finally---An Ex-FBI Agent Rips Aside the Veil of Secrecy that Killed JFK by M. Wesley Swearingen wiki book find txt online

PDF To Kill A President: Finally---An Ex-FBI Agent Rips Aside the Veil of Secrecy that Killed JFK by M. Wesley Swearingen wiki book find txt online

PDF To Kill A President: Finally---An Ex-FBI Agent Rips Aside the Veil of Secrecy that Killed JFK by M. Wesley Swearingen wiki

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Book description

Book description
Swearingen, a 25-year FBI veteran and world renowned whistleblower on FBI corruption and wrongdoing, now rips away the veil of secrecy concealing the FBIs treasonous misconduct in the 45-year cover-up of JFKs assassination. He names Cuban exiles; Chicago Mafia; and bad cops trained by the CIAs twisted murder conspiracy. Swearingen established his credibility in FBI SECRETS, AN AGENTS EXPOSE?, when he documented FBI fraud and dishonesty. He successfully forced the FBI to admit the truth in cases where the FBI had lied under oath to the courts and to the Congress. Working pro bono he was instrumental in helping plaintiffs win lawsuits against the FBI. Groups such as the BPI of Chicago won in 1981; Fred Hampton and Mark Clarks survivors won $1.8 million in 1982; the SWP won $246,000.00 in 1986; Geronimo Pratt was released from prison after 25 years and won $4.5 million in 2000. The late Judy Bari won $4.4 million in 2002. The author is in 18 films including US vs. John Lennon.
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