PDF The Yoruba Diaspora in the Atlantic World by Toyin Falola (Editor) read pdf on iphone

PDF The Yoruba Diaspora in the Atlantic World by Toyin Falola (Editor) read pdf on iphone

PDF The Yoruba Diaspora in the Atlantic World by Toyin Falola (Editor) read pdf on iphone

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Book description
This innovative anthology focuses on the enslavement, middle passage, American experience, and return to Africa of a single cultural group, the Yoruba. Moving beyond descriptions of generic African experiences, this anthology will allow students to trace the experiences of one cultural group throughout the cycle of the slave experience in the Americas. The 19 essays, employing a variety of disciplinary perspectives, provide a detailed study of how the Yoruba were integrated into the Atlantic world through the slave trade and slavery, the transformations of Yoruba identities and culture, and the strategies for resistance employed by the Yoruba in the New World.The contributors are Augustine H. Agwuele, Christine Ayorinde, Matt D. Childs, Gibril R. Cole, David Eltis, Toyin Falola, C. Magbaily Fyle, Rosalyn Howard, Robin Law, Babatunde Lawal, Russell Lohse, Paul E. Lovejoy, Beatriz G. Mamigonian, Robin Moore, Ann OHear, Luis Nicolau Pares, Michele Reid, Joao Jose Reis, Kevin Roberts, and Mariza de Carvalho Soares.Blacks in the Diaspora--Claude A. Clegg III, editorDarlene Clark Hine, David Barry Gaspar, and John McCluskey, founding editors
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