PDF The Spinsters Christmas by Camille Elliot (Goodreads Author) fb2 download free

PDF The Spinsters Christmas by Camille Elliot (Goodreads Author) fb2 download free

PDF The Spinsters Christmas by Camille Elliot (Goodreads Author) fb2 download free

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Book description
A Regency romantic mysteryMiranda Belmoore has never felt attuned to the rest of society. Her family has never understood her blunt speech and unwillingness to bow to conventional strictures, and so they have always made her feel that there is something wrong with her. Now as a poor relation in her cousin’s house, she makes plans to escape a life of drudgery and disdain from her own family members.Naval Captain Gerard Foremont is having difficulty adjusting to life back on land, frustrated that his career has been cut short by his severely injured knee. Guilt haunts him as he sees the strain his long convalescence has had upon his parents. As they spend Christmastide with the Belmoores, he wants to help fulfill his mother’s wish to have her orphaned niece come to stay with them.However, an enemy has infiltrated the family party, bent on revenge and determined that Twelfth Night will end in someone’s death...
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