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Book description
I picked this book out on Tuesday from my Books to Be Read bookcases (I have two such bookcases, both in the bathroom), as a book that I could read in about three days; and it admirably fit that requirement. It is also a pretty good fantasy book, as the fifth book in the series of books by Anne McCaffrey regarding brainships and their brawns, wandering about the galaxy and getting into various kinds of trouble. (It’s not hard science fiction, not by a long shot, but I enjoyed the book.)In the future time of Central Worlds, children who are hopelessly physically compromised at birth, but who have minds that are above the average, are placed in shells and learn to live life as shell-people; while some of them run cities and space-stations, others are placed into what are known as “brain ships”; connected to all the processes of the ship, the shell person effectively becomes the ship. Each brain ship is partnered with a “brawn”, a highly trained non-shell person who does what the brain ship cannot (like walk around on a new planet).Carialle and her brawn Keff are on a quest around the galaxy to make First Contact – to find a world that has a sentient population that can be welcomed into Central Worlds as an equal world. The ship and her brawn have been doing this for the last fourteen years, and sentient populations are hard to come by. To while away the time while traveling through space, Carialle and her brawn play Myths and Legends, a game using wizards and derring-do that is facilitated by Carialle using a holograph program, which gives her brawn a good mental and physical workout.The pair land on a world which seems to consist only of fuzzy-faced four-finger humaniods, who are farming in a subsistence economy on a dry, arid world. These Noble Primitives seem to fit the bill as sentient creatures; but Keff and his brain ship Carialle soon find out that what they have stumbled into is a world where the Noble Primitives are slaves for Mages, who use magic to support their positions, and who want to use the ship and Keff for their own purposes.Anyone in search of hard science in any given Anne McCaffrey book is doomed to disappointment; but the author is great at taking an established science situation and creating a fantasy world within it. So I very much recommend this book, especially to those who have read any of her other works.
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