PDF The School for Dangerous Girls by Eliot Schrefer (Goodreads Author) story fb2 value online iphone

PDF The School for Dangerous Girls by Eliot Schrefer (Goodreads Author) story fb2 value online iphone

PDF The School for Dangerous Girls by Eliot Schrefer (Goodreads Author) story fb2 value online iphone

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Book description
Girl, Interrupted . . . as written by V. C. Andrews.Angelas parents think shes on the road to ruin because shes dating a bad boy. After her behavior gets too much for them, they ship her off to Hidden Oak. Isolated and isolating, Hidden Oak promises to rehabilitate dangerous girls. But as Angela gets drawn in further and further, she discovers that recovery is only on the agenda for the better girls. The other girls -- designated as the purple thread -- will instead be manipulated to become more and more dangerous . . . and more and more reliant on Hidden Oaks care.
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