PDF The Poverty of Nations: A Sustainable Solution by Wayne A. Grudem sale price value ios online

PDF The Poverty of Nations: A Sustainable Solution by Wayne A. Grudem sale price value ios online

PDF The Poverty of Nations: A Sustainable Solution by Wayne A. Grudem sale price value ios online

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Book description
The whole world has a stake in the war against poverty and leaders across the globe are looking for a permanent solution. Thats why economist Barry Asmus and theologian Wayne Grudem have teamed up to outline a robust proposal for fighting poverty on a national level. These two experts believe the solution lies in a comprehensive development plan that integrates the principles of a free market system with the Bibles teachings on social ethics. Speaking to the importance of personal freedom, the rule of law, private property, moral virtue, and education, this book offers a clear path for promoting economic prosperity and safeguarding a countrys long-term stability--a sustainable solution for a world looking for the way forward.
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