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PDF The Millers Dance by Winston Graham phone ios wiki selling online

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Another 5 star rating for the 9th book in the Poldark series. The author continues to improve with age as he relates his tale of the Poldark and Warleggan clans and their progeny during the Napoleonic Wars. Ross Poldarks lovely daughter Clowance had fallen for the dashing Stephen Carrington and plans to marry. Clowance is conflicted as she begins to finally see the many character flaws her intended possesses. Will common sense prevail or will Clowance follow her heart?Rosss son Jeremy has fallen head over heels for a local aristocrat Cuby Trevanion. I kept wondering how to pronounce Cubys name...Cuby to rhyme with Ruby or Cubby? I decided to go with Cubby as Cuby is a rather bizarre name and not very pleasing to the ears. Cuby also reminds me of an elderly Uncle of mine that pronounced Cuba as Cuber...but I digress.Lets just say Jeremy deserves better than the spoiled Miss Cuby but the young mans hormones seem to be overruling his brain as they are prone to do when a man is young.Once again villain George Warleggan manages to unwittingly ruin Jeremys romance with Cuby as he plots to arrange the marriage of his only son Valentine to the titled young lady. Cubys family might be titled but they are also broke so George Warleggan is determined to finally join the ranks of the upper class and leave his nouveau riche and gauche ways behind; no matter what the cost. The snotty Cuby tells Jeremy hes not rich enough to marry her as her family is depending on her to improve their financial prospects.Jeremy plots his revenge against George Warleggan and the final pages of this book are thrilling to read as his plans come to fruition. Will Jeremy prevail against his ancient enemy George Warleggan or ruin his own life instead?Once again Winston Graham brings Cornwall to life and I cant wait to begin book 10.
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