PDF The Male Herbal: The Definitive Health Care Book for Men and Boys by James Green writer offline author sale download

PDF The Male Herbal: The Definitive Health Care Book for Men and Boys by James Green writer offline author sale download

PDF The Male Herbal: The Definitive Health Care Book for Men and Boys by James Green writer offline author sale download

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Book description
In this long-awaited second edition of THE MALE HERBAL, James Green gives men and boys the tools they need to create or maintain physical and emotional health through a customized herbal program. By following Green¬?s newly developed constitutional model and referencing the comprehensive alphabetical herbal listings, men can create an herbal program attuned to their unique body type, lifestyle, and health needs. Featuring life-changing information about common plants, herbal alternatives to Viagra, medicinal uses of herbs for male-specific issues, and nearly thirty recipes for teas, tinctures, salves, and tonics, this updated guide emphasizes prevention and health with sensitivity and wisdom.
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