PDF The Lure of Dangerous Women by Shanna Germain (Goodreads Author) amazon italian book portable writer

PDF The Lure of Dangerous Women by Shanna Germain (Goodreads Author) amazon italian book portable writer

PDF The Lure of Dangerous Women by Shanna Germain (Goodreads Author) amazon italian book portable writer

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Book description
Dangerous women aren’t always the ones who carry guns and take down the bad guys. Sometimes, the most dangerous women are the ones we don’t even notice -- the sultry siren crooning in a smoky bar, the innocent young girl twirling in her summer dress, the soft-shoed nurse who helps the comatose.In this collection, award-winning author Shanna Germain gathers seven of her darkest, lushest fantasy and horror stories about strong, smart women who know that danger is a matter of scale -- and of which side you happen to be standing on.
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