PDF The Ice Cream Vendors Song by Laura McHale Holland (Goodreads Author) epub online reading

PDF The Ice Cream Vendors Song by Laura McHale Holland (Goodreads Author) epub online reading

PDF The Ice Cream Vendors Song by Laura McHale Holland (Goodreads Author) epub online reading

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Book description
Good things do come in small packages, and Laura McHale Hollands new flash fiction mini-stories are just that—very good things. These stories are all very short, some no more than half a page, but their individual effects linger and occupy the mind like certain improbable dreams do. Especially those that take off suddenly in odd and mysterious twists. Here is a very thin little book presenting a gourmet tasting menu of fantasy, mystery, creativity, sadness, darkness, creepiness, and even a little hope. Perfect to take on the train or plane—read a story, close your eyes, let it gel, and when you are ready for another taste, read another story. Congratulations to this very clever author for her ability to think up so fully and then condense so tightly these highly imaginative stories. They beg to be read and re-read.Five stars for a wake-up experience in fiction. Thank you, Goodreads.
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