PDF The Happy Bicycle: Make 15 Stylish Bike Accessories with Hemma Design by Kathy McGee (Goodreads Author) access review bookshop itunes free

PDF The Happy Bicycle: Make 15 Stylish Bike Accessories with Hemma Design by Kathy McGee (Goodreads Author) access review bookshop itunes free

PDF The Happy Bicycle: Make 15 Stylish Bike Accessories with Hemma Design by Kathy McGee (Goodreads Author) access review bookshop

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Book description

Book description
For cyclists who want to take their style into high gear, The Happy Bicycle, by Kathy McGee of Hemma Design, comprises a collection of 15 bicycle accessories that are functional and fun. Irresistibly charming, this book offers full-size patterns and step-by-step instructions for helmet covers, totes, embellished bells, baskets, and more. After all, shouldnt a bike look as good as rides?
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