PDF The Duck and the Darklings by Glenda Millard ios original read iBooks find

PDF The Duck and the Darklings by Glenda Millard ios original read iBooks find

PDF The Duck and the Darklings by Glenda Millard ios original read iBooks find

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Book description
Its the sort of book that does my head in. My reading self is never truly comfortable unless it knows who the words are addressed to: my inner child, my inner teen, my inner rebel, my inner whoever... So I felt unsettled by picture book for children (except the themes seemed a bit odd) about a dystopian (except the prose didnt really have that feel), post-apocalyptic (except the illustrations were a little too cute) hole in the ground (except there was no hobbit, or was there?) where a boy and his grandfather lived. And I kind of missed the ending. If I hadnt had the backcover blurb to tell me it was about hope, I would have missed the message.The text was the usual luxuriously-textured prose-that-is-almost-poetry that is Glenda Millards trademark. Its tenderness and poignancy shines through.I loved Stephen Michael Kings illustrations: the juxtaposition of fine lines for Peterboy, the duck and his grandfather with the blobby, grungy backgrounds was superb.But together, the text and the illustrations worked against each other, rather than being complementary. This was particularly true of the last few pages where I entirely missed the message of hope. I almost thought it was the opposite: another loss into the swallowing Dark.
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