PDF The Book of Destinies: A Practical Guide to Predicting the Future by Jane Struthers epub ibooks iphone

PDF The Book of Destinies: A Practical Guide to Predicting the Future by Jane Struthers epub ibooks iphone

PDF The Book of Destinies: A Practical Guide to Predicting the Future by Jane Struthers epub ibooks iphone

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Book description
Jane Struthers fell in love with astrology, palmistry, tarot reading and reading tea leaves in her teens, and shes never looked back. She is a professional, full-time writer and astrologer, who has appeared on television and radio many times. She is currently the astrologer for Bella, the best-selling weekly womens magazine, and before that she was the astrologer for The Sun, writing as Gemini Jane. Jane has written over twenty books on a wide variety of subjects, but she specializes in mind, body and spirit topics. She trained as a healer at the College of Psychic Studies in London and has completed the first stage of the Bach Flower Remedies training. She teaches astrology at the London School of Astrology, and has also lectured abroad on astrology and tarot.
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