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There were some Chinese tourists on the radio the other day, they’d come to London and they were expressing their surprise at what they saw – blue sky! They were fully expecting London to be wreathed in Dickensian fog. Yes, this antique image is still alive and well. But people, the London pea-souper was eradicated in 1956!! That was when parliament passed the Clean Air Act which created urban zones where only smokeless fuel could be burnt. This was a great success – many people were thus saved from fatal asthma attacks, and many robbers could now be easily spotted by the coppers. This book begins with a list of swinging successes by the British government (I should mention that this book is 100% concerned with Britain) and the Clean Air Act is one. Others include the establishment of the National Health Service, the Town and Country Planning Act 1947 which stopped urban sprawl and preserved the much loved character of the English countryside which you can see in Downton Abbey, the Road Safety Act 1967 which introduced the breathalyser to test for drunk driving :The official forecast of lives likely to be saved was two hundred a year. At the end of the first five months, 800 people were alive who statistically would have died without the breathalyser.followed by compulsory seat belt wearing in 1983. The authors also list the introduction of decimal currency in 1971 as being so seamlessly done that it wasn’t newsworthy; and the introduction of a national minimum wage in 1999 (in the teeth of conservatives predicting mass unemployment - no such thing happened). So the authors are not writing a book to prove that government consists of one ghastly blunder after another. They aren’t anti-government. A useful definition :Policy wonk : a person interested in the technical detail of political policiesAn admission :I thought this book would be for the politically interested average citizen but it’s probably for policy wonks. At least 50% of it was way too detailed and technical for me. I was Skippy the Bush Kangaroo for much of this book. My political involvement is mostly on the level of yelling at the tv these days. My former activism I tend to look on with a shudder.So lets take one single example of huge government blunder and that will stand for the many discussed here.The Child Support AgencyThe Problem : Between 1970 and the early 1990s the proportion of children born to unmarried mothers in the UK trebled from roughly 10% to roughly 30%... some unmarried mothers were in stable partnerships, but a majority were not; and even some of the mothers in stable partnerships were no longer partnered by their children’s father. Less than a quarter of the absent fathers were paying maintenance for their kids. The unmarried mothers were all claiming welfare. Politicians led the entire country in an angry chorus of disapproval – these feckless fathers were taking us all for a ride. Something must be done to force them to shoulder their responsibilities!Hence the Child Support Agency, which was set up in 1993 to track down the fathers and force them to pay up.Chaos then ensued.After one year of operating, parliament commissioned an inquiry, which discovered:The assessments (of the father’s income) were frequently based on grossly inadequate information, that requests for maintenance were often sent to the wrong individual, that wrongly addressed requests for payment, not surprisingly, inflicted strain on marriages, that maintenance payments were paid into the wrong account and could not be retrieved, that letters went unanswered for months, that breaches of confidentiality were common, that it was impossible for individuals to find out anything about the progress of their case and that CSA staff frequently misinformed both absent fathers and lone mothers about the consequences that would follow if they failed to co-operate.One of the reasons for this car-crash was that the politicians and civil servants who wrote the rules for the Child Support Agency had no conception of the lives of the people it was going to dramatically affect. Ministers and officials were accustomed to a world in which couples that split up then went on to form one new family each or perhaps none. They were totally unfamiliar with a world in which fathers often had multiple children by multiple mothers, and mothers often had multiple children by multiple fathers (not all of whom they were able to identify). Once senior policymaker admitted… “We hadn’t appreciated that very large numbers of people, both women and men, now lead very complicated lives.”In many cases, even if they did track down an absent father, he turned out to be unemployed or on very low wages, and simply could not afford to pay anything. Not only that, butSome could see no reason why they should provide maintenance for children to whom they had been granted little or no access.AndMany an absent father was convinced that the mother of his child was now living with a man who earned far more than he did. In 2006 the CSA was abolished to a chorus of ironic cheers.This is a splendid book for the even geekier older brother I never had.
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