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PDF The Beauty of the Beasts: Tales of Hollywoods Wild Animal Stars by Ralph Helfer touch amazon shop read torrent

PDF The Beauty of the Beasts: Tales of Hollywoods Wild Animal Stars by Ralph Helfer touch amazon shop read torrent

> READ BOOK > I Want To Live: The Diary of a Young Girl in Stalins Russia

> ONLINE BOOK > I Want To Live: The Diary of a Young Girl in Stalins Russia

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Book description
Recently unearthed in the archives of Stalin’s secret police, the NKVD, Nina Lugovskaya’s diary offers rare insight into the life of a teenage girl in Stalin’s Russia—when fear of arrest was a fact of daily life. Like Anne Frank, thirteen-year-old Nina is conscious of the extraordinary dangers around her and her family, yet she is preoccupied by ordinary teenage concerns: boys, parties, her appearance, who she wants to be when she grows up. As Nina records her most personal emotions and observations, her reflections shape a diary that is as much a portrait of her intense inner world as it is the Soviet outer one.Preserved here, these markings—the evidence used to convict Nina as a “counterrevolutionary”—offer today’s reader a fascinating perspective on the era in which she lived.
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