PDF The Autobiography of Medgar Evers: A Heros Life and Legacy Revealed Through his Writings, Letters, and Speeches by Myrlie Evers-Williams (Editor) amazon book pocket full version link

PDF The Autobiography of Medgar Evers: A Heros Life and Legacy Revealed Through his Writings, Letters, and Speeches by Myrlie Evers-Williams (Editor) amazon book pocket full version link

PDF The Autobiography of Medgar Evers: A Heros Life and Legacy Revealed Through his Writings, Letters, and Speeches by Myrlie Evers

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Book description

Book description
On the evening of June 12, 1963—the day President John F. Kennedy gave his most impassioned speech about the need for interracial tolerance —Medgar Evers, the NAACPs first field secretary in Mississippi, was shot and killed by an assassins bullet in his driveway. The still-smoking gun—bearing the fingerprints of Byron De La Beckwith, a staunch white supremacist—was recovered moments later in some nearby bushes. Still, Beckwith remained free for over thirty years, until Everss widow finally forced the Mississippi courts to bring him to justice. The Autobiography of Medgar Evers tells the full story of one the greatest leaders of the civil rights movement, bringing his achievement to life for a new generation. Although Everss memory has remained a force in the civil rights movement, the legal battles surrounding his death have too often overshadowed the example and inspiration of his life.Myrlie Evers-Williams and Manning Marable have assembled the previously untouched cache of Medgars personal documents, writings, and speeches. These remarkable pieces range from Medgars monthly reports to the NAACP to his correspondence with luminaries of the time such as Robert Carter, General Counsel for the NAACP in the landmark Brown v. Board of Education case. Most important of all are the recollections of Myrlie Evers, combined with letters from her personal collection. These documents and memories form the backbone of The Autobiography of Medgar Evers — a cohesive narrative detailing the rise and tragic death of a civil rights hero.
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