PDF The After House by Mary Roberts Rinehart apple portable book pocket writer

PDF The After House by Mary Roberts Rinehart apple portable book pocket writer

PDF The After House by Mary Roberts Rinehart apple portable book pocket writer

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Book description
A trite little 1914 work by Americas Agatha Christie, this manages to be both boring and offensive. Its a murder mystery - three people are hacked to death with an axe on a yacht sailing the Atlantic - and a love story. On all three fronts of race, class, and gender, abuses occur. The women aboard are not allowed to see the bodies, even though one of them asks to. Then they are herded to an enclosure on deck, for their own protection, and not allowed to leave it. One of the murder victims is a woman who, we eventually discover, was killed because she might have had loose morals. The upper class passengers maintain a social distance from the lower class - and from the narrator, who is a young doctor incognito, having come aboard as a common deckhand. And theres a black butler who has a bad attitude and is constantly being abused by the narrator, Ralph Leslie. His friend and fellow doctor advises Leslie, If the nigger gets sick, give him some of my seasick remedy. At one point Leslie holds the colored butler, George, over the rail until he turned gray with fright. After this, George treats Ralph as an equal, which was gratifying. (George is always turning gray - because hes black, get it? Caucasians turn a shade whiter with fright, black people turn gray.) George is a frightened darky. At the end of the voyage, Leslie calls George a mean, white-livered coward and proclaims, If I wash that deck, it will be with you as a mop. Then he punches George, knocking him down.Its only speculation, but maybe the fact that Rineharts Filipino chef, who had worked for her for 25 years, fired a gun at her and then attempted to slash her with knives, until other servants rescued her (wikipedia) is somehow related to her attitude toward lower castes.
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