PDF Star Trek II Short Stories by William Rotsler itunes link original selling read

PDF Star Trek II Short Stories by William Rotsler itunes link original selling read

PDF Star Trek II Short Stories by William Rotsler itunes link original selling read

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Book description
I gave this book 4 stars becuase it was good but not the best one i have read but is still very good. I dont like it when book are on the same subjects becuase you compare them and one is better and this is what happend to this book. So this review was a little unfair if you want to read this book and i am sarry for that..... Ya this book was judged unjustly but it is still one of the best books ive read. So if you see this review about it pick it up it is a great book and good if you like star-trek. I am sorry that is not the best review but, to me, it is the truth.
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