PDF Sri Lanka Style: Tropical Design and Architecture by Channa Daswatte reader original djvu via free

PDF Sri Lanka Style: Tropical Design and Architecture by Channa Daswatte reader original djvu via free

PDF Sri Lanka Style: Tropical Design and Architecture by Channa Daswatte reader original djvu via free

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Book description
Sri Lanka Style showcases 30 of the finest traditional and modern dwellings in Sri Lanka.Reflecting its location and status as a hub of Indian Ocean trade from time immemorial, the tropical island of Sri Lanka has always been open to the movements and patters of world culture. Indigenous architects and cultural traditions, colonial incursions and the vagaries of living in a tropical environment have combined to produce a distinctive Sri Lankan architectural style: thick lime-washed walls, tall windows and doors, terracotta or granite tile floors, open pavilions and verandas, courtyard gardens, elaborately carved furniture and vibrant hand-looms. The Sri Lankan homes vary from private homes to retreats and resorts, all designed by the islands most creative architects and interior designers including some by the world-renowned architect Geoffrey Bawa that have never been seen before. These works demonstrate the essentials of the Sri Lankan spaces open to the elements and the natural use of space and decor, contributing to a palpable sense of peace and discipline. In addition, there are practical design ideas that can be applied to any tropical locale. Photographed entirely on location, Sri Lanka Style is an inspirational source book of contemporary tropical style.
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