PDF Speak Softly, She Can Hear by Pam Lewis (Goodreads Author) direct link story iBooks book spanish

PDF Speak Softly, She Can Hear by Pam Lewis (Goodreads Author) direct link story iBooks book spanish

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Book description
When Carole, a upper class high school girl, decides to lose her virginity with her friend Naomi she has no idea how it will change every aspect of her life forever.Meeting Eddie,wanna-be actor, through Naomi and winning a bet to do him first, Carole meets Eddie alone, and after a few drinks goes ahead and loses her virginity to him.When Carole is left accused of killing a girl. The once sweet Eddie turns into a narcissistic psychopath, belittling and humiliating her into getting rid of the body with Naomi, and go about their lives, oathing to never speak of it again.Although Carole cant, she keeps doing things she shouldnt, and when all hell breaks loose she makes a run for her parents preplanned life setting out to forget her past and build a new future herself.But Eddie keeps popping into her life, even when noones meant to know where she is, and he wont let her forget what she did.To be completely honest only the first few chapters and the last few were amazing in my opinion, the writing had so much visualization, and i guess thats why a lot of other reviews said they couldnt stand the first few chapters . Yes , its very sexual and graphic but isnt a good writer meant to make you feel things? whether those things are disgusting or disturbing to you or not? I for one felt like i was there, seeing it, feeling how the character felt and that makes good reading.Even if it is about a 16 year old chubby girl losing her virginity for the first time.Personally, the middle was soo boring and there was a lot of Caroles life i thought was pointless to even add into the novel. It didnt captivate me at all and i really expected more after those first few chapters, hence my rating.I only finished it because i wanted to know how it would end, i hate hate hate leaving books unfinished.
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