PDF Soldier and Tsar in the Forest: A Russian Tale by Uri Shulevitz (Illustrator) download book mobi

PDF Soldier and Tsar in the Forest: A Russian Tale by Uri Shulevitz (Illustrator) download book mobi

PDF Soldier and Tsar in the Forest: A Russian Tale by Uri Shulevitz (Illustrator) download book mobi

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Book description

Book description
This story is absolutely fantastic as it delightfully details the story of how both the Tsar and the soldier manage to defeat a band of robbers and making an honorable man out of the soldier. Uri Shulevitz’s illustrations are extremely colorful and actually capture the emotions of each character, such as the soldier looking sad when he is not invited to the royal banquet along with his brother. Also, I love the way that the background illustrations complement with the mood of the story such as the scene where the gloomy soldier goes into the forest and the background is a dark color.“Soldier and Tsar in the Forest” is a delightful treat for anyone interested in Russian folktales and should be read to children ages six and up. However, parents may want to read this book first before they read it to their children due to the theme of the older brother disowning his own brother, some violence dealing with head cutting, and the length of this book. I would also recommend The Fool of the World and the Flying Ship for another Russian Folktale to read.
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