PDF Sissy Princess Sperm Whore: a tale of BBC Creampie addiction by Bobbi Cinaede page reader itunes read touch

PDF Sissy Princess Sperm Whore: a tale of BBC Creampie addiction by Bobbi Cinaede page reader itunes read touch

PDF Sissy Princess Sperm Whore: a tale of BBC Creampie addiction by Bobbi Cinaede page reader itunes read touch

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Book description
Well, now. Arent you quite the sissy princess?They were just eight simple words, each one spoken in a deep, booming baritone. It was a voice free of the accusation or condemnation I should have expected, and laced with the amusement and – dare I say it? – even the arousal for which I never could have hoped.“Um . . . ah . . . oh . . .”Abruptly startled out of my BBC dreams, I looked up from the cum-drenched mess of the bed to find one of her black lovers standing before me. He was fully clothed and perfectly groomed, showing no signs of the physical exertion that had given birth to my rather inappropriate opportunity. Even through the maze of my matted hair and the mess of my glazed eyes I could see the outline of his semi-hard manhood straining down his right pant leg.It didnt quite stretch down to his knees, no matter what internet porn has promised, but the head was farther down his thigh than my addled brain could quite comprehend.I should have been horrified.I should have been embarrassed to be caught as I was.Instead, hearing him call me `sissy princess awakened in me a deeply primal urge for feminine submission like I had never before experienced.Eight words. One single phrase, casually uttered.I knew, in that moment, those words would forever alter the direction my life.What I didnt realize was just how quickly that change would come, or just how far from being a normal, healthy, otherwise ordinary boy I would go, becoming a sissy princesses and a sperm whore in the process.This is my story.
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