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PDF Silken Bonds by Marion Chesney read txt on ipad

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Book description
Frederica is brought up by a supposed believer in womens rights. But she is easily the most over-bearing woman about that gives her wards no freedom. Harry Danger falls in love with Frederica on their first meeting and the story is about how he tries to get her to marry him. The mystery surrounding the three girls, Fanny, Freddie and Felicity that Mrs Waverley takes into her home to raise, supposedly from an orphanage is interesting. As is the Prince Regents efforts to ensure Mrs Waverley leaves London for good.The writing as always from Beaton is humorous. She has a critical eye and uses it to examine what makes women man-haters. She looks at the reasons both false and sound about the need to educate women. This is a different take on the bluestocking. This ensures that theres balance in the view of what drove women in the regency period to act like dim-witted dolls, and counter-wise what made some of their sisters eschew marriage and romance.
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