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The one where ... um, the first chapter was so dense with forced wackiness, expo-dumpage, and other inexplicable oddities that Im not entirely clear on this, but I think the heroine buys a dress at a garage sale (which is, for some reason, a costume garage sale), and for some reason, when she puts it on, half of a puzzle ring comes out of her mouth (it could have come out of the dress, but it seriously reads like it comes out of her mouth), and then she has a vision of a castle, and one of her psychic sisters hands her a painting of the castle, painted by her witch ancestor, and somehow her other sister knows which castle it is, and so she goes there and meets the hero, who keeps carrying her various places, but her presence quiets the ghost who haunts the castle hes restoring, and so ...Right, this is wrongheaded in so many ways that I dont even know where to start, except that I would pay money (or at least postage) to have best_beloved review this book, because thats the only thing that would repay me for the time I wasted reading thirty pages of it.(Reading for a romantic comedy contest for my RWA chapter.)
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