PDF Rosemary Entwined by Bianca Sommerland (Goodreads Author) phone shop tablet wiki free

PDF Rosemary Entwined by Bianca Sommerland (Goodreads Author) phone shop tablet wiki free

PDF Rosemary Entwined by Bianca Sommerland (Goodreads Author) phone shop tablet wiki free

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Book description
One kiss might save her, but if Rosemary has to lose even one of her men, she doesn’t want a prince.The only role of Rosemarys nest of men is to feed her insatiable hunger for lust, but thats not what she wants for them. Or what they want from her. While Rosemary presses for them to live their own lives, they each find ways to steal into her heart. With the threat of her mothers nest hanging over them, Rosemary decides to surrender to the love they offer and focus on building their combined strength to stand against the inevitable attacks.When her control over her powers slips, another problem arises. The nest is incomplete. A prince must be chosen, and if he is not among her men, shell be forced to let one of them go.She once feared her heart wasnt big enough to hold them all. Now she fears shes not strong enough to release even one. Even if it costs her her life.Reader Advisory: This book contains scenes of violence, several scenes of anal sex and some dominance play, as well as dubious consent.
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