PDF Robot Zot! by Jon Scieszka download finder ipad reader tom

PDF Robot Zot! by Jon Scieszka download finder ipad reader tom

PDF Robot Zot! by Jon Scieszka download finder ipad reader tom

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Book description
Robot Zot posits the question what if, instead of being a delusional geriatric man caught up in the romance of Medieval chivalry, Don Quixote was actually a delusional two foot tall robot from outer space. Wearing a Saturnesque helmet similar to the barber basin Don Quixote dons and dutifully followed by a dog like creature in the shape of a Spanish conquistador helmet with googly eyes, Zot crash lands in the heart of Earth Army. While the Robot heedlessly rushes into the fray the book pans out to reveal that far from an army base, Zot has actually invaded a home kitchen. Mistaking the kitchen appliances for giants, Zot goes on the attack and vanquishes them before being ensnared by a vacuum hose, then mocked by a teeth whitening television commercial which is no match for his ray gun. Then Zot is stopped in his tracks when confronted by the imprisoned Earth Queen (a childrens telephone) guarded by two wide eyed dolls acting as sentries. Zot is stricken with self doubt and questions wether he is in fact a Chicken Zot? But his chivalric quest can not be stopped and Robot Zot gallops forward, with Queen in tow, proclaiming that, No one can stop Robot Zot!” Unfortunately, before escaping to his battle ship he is faced with his most fearsome trial, Earths Commander General a wide eyed black puppy with a long protruding red tongue who answers each of Zots entreaties with a curious Whoof! Zot springs to action and charges the general who mysteriously disappears as his owner takes him away with a, Yelp. The penultimate page of the book leaves some doubt on whether Robot Zot is actually a space creature which is unfortunate. Quixote had many delusions but his steed Rocinante was an actual horse. The book shows Zot creating real damage with his ray gun to inanimate objects, so why shouldnt his space ship work. Besides this small quibble the book is beautifully designed and would seem to amuse young readers in the mood for action and adventure especially since the story takes place not in a far removed land but in a kitchen, television room, and back yard, areas in which kids can relate. Why you cant go to a toy store and buy a Robot Zot and Best Pal Bot is beyond me.
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