PDF Road Fever by Tim Cahill francais get link library free

PDF Road Fever by Tim Cahill francais get link library free

PDF Road Fever by Tim Cahill francais get link library free

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Book description
What a road trip! So much of what Tim Cahill describes involves the preparation -- the paperwork, logistics, and financial backing -- that must be figured out before starting a marathon trip such as the one General Motors bankrolled. I understand he was trying to make a point, but I wouldve enjoyed the book a bit more had he told more stories like this one, which happened while he and his driving partner were driving through Ecuador:If we were to be captured by terrorists anywhere, Ecuador was the place. The previous month, during a wildly vitriolic campaign for president, one candidate, Abdala Bucaram ... claimed that he had been abducted secretly, and he told no one of the kidnapping. The videotape released by his opponents, Bucaram said, had been filmed during his captivity. He had been forced, at gunpoint, to have sex with the three women in the video. The evil terrorists who had subjected him to this appalling torture intended to destroy his campaign. And, okay, sure, he appeared to enjoy it, but you had to understand, his life was at stake.Who wants to hear about stamps and paperwork when there are sex stories about corrupt Central and South American politicians to be told?!
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