PDF Psychiatry, the Ultimate Betrayal by Bruce Wiseman book finder flibusta library ipad

PDF Psychiatry, the Ultimate Betrayal by Bruce Wiseman book finder flibusta library ipad

PDF Psychiatry, the Ultimate Betrayal by Bruce Wiseman book finder flibusta library ipad

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Book description
PSYCYIATRY-THE ULTIMATE BETRAYAL examines psychiatry from its early beginnings to the present and traces its rise to influence in our society. It is a remarkable story of style over substance, of promises over results, and unrestrained thirst for power. But it is also the story of gullibility: of the politicians who believed the public relations and kept forking out the dollars; of the educators who violated their duty to pass knowledge on to our young and accepted provenly unworkable theories; of media which naively propagated unspected claims and wild theories as truth. The influence of psychiatric thought upon our lives has been catastrophic. In this searching examination, you will learn exactly how this has happened, how so much of what we casually think of today as the way it is had its beginnings in the faulty theories of men who had less than our best interests at heart. But they say knowledge is power, and with this knowledge you will also learn how we can reverse this tide of destruction and regain what is of value in our lives and our society. It is time things changed for the better instead of for the worse. This important book is a tool that will help bring such a change about. It is long overdue.
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