PDF Prince of the Renaissance: The Life of Francois I by Desmond Seward bookshop value download online torrent

PDF Prince of the Renaissance: The Life of Francois I by Desmond Seward bookshop value download online torrent

PDF Prince of the Renaissance: The Life of Francois I by Desmond Seward bookshop value download online torrent

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Book description

Book description
Written in 1973, this is a gloriously romantic biography of Francis I and the French Renaissance. Contemporary with Henry VIII, the deeply charismatic Francis brought Italian culture to France, overlaying it on the French medieval Gothic style that had proven so long lived.Although this looks like a coffee table volume, it has a fairly detailed and vivid narrative, and is particularly good on Renaissance art and architecture with an abundance of illustrations and colour plates. It also gives us a wonderfully gossipy account of Francis hectic love life, and his relationships with the other women in his life, especially his strong mother and his beautiful, clever sister Marguerite de Navarre who wrote LHeptameron.This isnt an academic history so theres no original research and the bibliography is very brief so if you want something more scholarly and political its worth going to Renaissance Warrior and Patron: The Reign of Francis I instead. If, however, you are looking for something popular or a quick overview of the first half of the sixteenth century in France, then this is admirable - I enjoyed it enormously.
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